
Nehemiah: A Man of Prayer Pt.1
Series: Nehemiah: A Man of PrayerHow is your prayer life? Sadly a lot of times mine has ups and downs. We talk about the great power of prayer and we are convinced of that fact, but then sometimes we can't remember the last time we prayed! I don't think prayer is meant to be easy. It is for those who diligently seek God and have a passion to converse with the Creator.
"It is only when the whole heart is gripped with the passion of prayer that the life-giving fire descends, for none but the earnest man gets access to the ear of God" - EM Bounds
Lets be people striving to be earnest in our life of prayer! In this sermon we take a look at Nehemiah as a man of prayer and see what we can learn from his life of prayer.
Part 1 of 2