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Bible Study
Childrens Events
Group Meeting
Special Events
Teen Event
Worship Assemblies
Bible Classes for All Ages
04/02/25, 07:00pm

Bible Classes for all ages - Babies to Adults

Pillar of Hope
04/03/25, 07:00pm

Do you have a friend or family member that is dealing with addiction? If so, this support group is for you.
Our purpose is to carry each other's burdens. Addiction is a family issue, and most families and friends are trying to fight the battle of addiction with little to no help or understanding about what goes on within the addicted individuals mind.
All are welcome! We meet in Concord, NC on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Concord church of Christ, 4640 Baileys Lake Rd NW, Concord. There will be a short presentation and then a time for sharing. For more information, call or text 704-326-2048 or email . Everyone will be given an opportunity to share their experiences and/or ask questions. But, if you want to come, take in the program to see what it is all about, and enjoy some coffee, that is also fine.

Bible Classes
04/06/25, 09:30am

Bible studies & classes for all ages ; We are devoted to knowing the " sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 1 Tim. 3:15

Worship Gathering
04/06/25, 10:15am

We gather every week to focus on the good news: devoted to worship, prayer, teaching of the Word, communion, and fellowship.

Small Groups
04/06/25, 12:00pm
Food & Clothing for Neighbors
04/06/25, 02:00pm

Monthy food & clothing distribution for our neighbors. First Sunday of each month from 2-4pm

Bible Classes for All Ages
04/09/25, 07:00pm

Bible Classes for all ages - Babies to Adults

Ladies Gathering
04/10/25, 07:00pm

Our ladies gather together on the 2nd Thursday of each month for a time of faith and fellowship.

Meet the Neighbors
04/12/25, 11:30am

Grilling hot dogs for our neighbors.
The Seasons at Poplar Tent apartments

Bible Classes
04/13/25, 09:30am

Bible studies & classes for all ages ; We are devoted to knowing the " sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 1 Tim. 3:15

Worship Gathering
04/13/25, 10:15am

We gather every week to focus on the good news: devoted to worship, prayer, teaching of the Word, communion, and fellowship.

Youth Devo & lunch
04/13/25, 12:00pm

Devo & lunch for high school and middle school students at the Blankenship home.

Elders, Deacons, & Preacher Meeting
04/13/25, 02:00pm
Craft Night: Card Making
04/14/25, 06:00pm

An evening of creativity & connection. Feel free to invite friends & family.
Instructor: Karen Cole; Host: Jen White

Bible Classes for All Ages
04/16/25, 07:00pm

Bible Classes for all ages - Babies to Adults

Bible Classes
04/20/25, 09:30am

Bible studies & classes for all ages ; We are devoted to knowing the " sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 1 Tim. 3:15

Worship Gathering
04/20/25, 10:15am

We gather every week to focus on the good news: devoted to worship, prayer, teaching of the Word, communion, and fellowship.

Bible Classes for All Ages
04/23/25, 07:00pm

Bible Classes for all ages - Babies to Adults

Bible Classes
04/27/25, 09:30am

Bible studies & classes for all ages ; We are devoted to knowing the " sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." 1 Tim. 3:15

Worship Gathering
04/27/25, 10:15am

We gather every week to focus on the good news: devoted to worship, prayer, teaching of the Word, communion, and fellowship.

Spring kids day out
04/27/25, 12:15pm

Spring egg hunt and more for kids of all ages! Groh home

Bible Classes for All Ages
04/30/25, 07:00pm

Bible Classes for all ages - Babies to Adults