What To Expect

What To Expect

We meet on Sundays from 9:30am - 11:30am and on Wednesdays from 7:00pm - 8:00pm. Here is what to expect when you visit with us on a Sunday: 

Bible Classes

We offer Bible classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Please come study God's Word with us. We have classes for all ages, as well as a variety of adult classes. Check here for a current list of classes.

Worship & Lord's Supper

You will be greeted by one or more of our members so that we can get to know you. We praise God as we sing and pray together. We sing a-cappella style a mixture of contemporary songs of praise as well as classic Christian hymns. You can expect to hear a Bible-based message intended to encourage us to serve God. At the close of the service, one of our elders will making closing remarks and lead a prayer.


Every Sunday we take the Lord’s Supper which consists of unleavened bread and grape juice. We take part in these symbols in order to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us over 2000 years ago. Before partaking of the Lord's Supper we sing songs and hear a short message to help us focus on the sacrifice that our Lord made.


Following the service we invite you to stay for a few minutes so we can get to know you. Our congregation consists of people of all ages, from many races.